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Jamstacked Issue 69

Thankful for Jam

Published: Nov 28, 2022

Your update on all things Jamstack

#​69 — November 28, 2022
✦ web version

This past week was Thanksgiving in the U.S., thus the delayed delivery of this issue (note that the next issue will be Dec 8th). In that vein, I want to share a couple things that I am thankful for.

First, much of my Jamstack development going back at least nine years has relied on the work and contributions of open source developers. Thank you for providing me the tools that continue to make me successful in my development.

Second, I am thankful for an amazing Jamstack community that creates so much amazing content that makes this newsletter possible.


Brian Rinaldi

↘︎ What's good

SPAs, MPAs, The History of Twitter Tech, and A Failed Project
A good look back at the history of the SPA (i.e. single page application) and how Twitter played a big role in developing the concept. Looking forward, it also touches on the rise (again) of MPA (multi-page applications).

Salma Alam-Naylor

A Guide to Image Optimization on Jamstack Sites
Images are a major bottleneck to web performance everywhere, not just Jamstack sites. This post covers compression options, using an image server CDN and creating an image component in a headless CMS like Storyblok.

Alba Solvent

 A Raymond-oganza of Eleventy Posts

Raymond Camden

❖ Tidbits

Use Defer-Hydration in Your Web Components for… Well, Deferred Hydration
Is-land, Eleventy’s islands and partial hydration plugin, now supports the defer-hydration attribute, a community standard indicating that the web component will handle lazy initialization.

Zach Leatherman

Survey Finds Majority of Jamstack Community Testing 'Edge'
A look at some of the highlights from the recent Jamstack Community Survey released at Jamstack Conf a couple weeks ago.

Loraine Lawson

Jamstack Conf 2022: Armistice Day for the Framework Wars
An overview of some of the panel highlights from Jamstack Conf including an extended discussion on how OSS is bringing about a new proliferation of web frameworks.

Kate Holterhoff

✂︎ Tools, Resources & More...

Thanks for reading. — Brian