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Jamstacked Issue 21

Rethinking the term: what is the Jamstack in 2021?

Published: Jan 7, 2021

Your update on all things Jamstack

#21 — January 7, 2021
✦ web version

Happy new year! 2021 is going to be an interesting year for the Jamstack community that may involve some rethinking of how we define the term. This was evidenced in part by Vercel's big Series B announcement that clearly seemed to move away from the Jamstack term in favor of a the hybrid SSR/SSG approach that has become a key selling point of Next.js.

Personally, I don't see the term Jamstack as being one that pushes a "dogmatism of pure static". As I argue in my post below, I see how we define Jamstack going forward as having room for a hybrid approach that sprinkles in SSR, something I expect we'll see a lot more of in 2021 (from more than just Next.js).

Brian Rinaldi

↘︎ What's Good

What Is the Jamstack in 2021?
With the addition of hybrid SSG/SSR sites, there is debate about the meaning of Jamstack going forward. I share my thoughts on why I see the Jamstack going forward as “static-first but not static only.”

Brian Rinaldi

$40M to Build the Next Web
Vercel’s new series B funding announcement emphasizes the hybrid SSG/SSR app approach of Next.js and clearly aims to begin distancing the company from the Jamstack term.


Running Staticman on Netlify Functions
Staticman has long been a way to add user-generated content to a Jamstack site. With improvements in the Jamstack ecosystem, you can now use Staticman without any infrastructure configuration using Netlify Functions.

Eduardo Bouças

How to Host a Static Website on AWS with HTTPS and CI/CD
S3 seems like an obvious place to host static assets for a Jamstack site, but by default it doesn’t support HTTPS and requires manually uploading files. This post shows how to set it up using CloudFront for caching and HTTPS and GitHub Actions for CI/CD.

Anna Aitchison

✂︎ Tools and Resources

  • Meli - An open-source solution for creating a self-hosted deployment platform that offers things like easy deploys, branch deploys, an API and more.
  • Stork Search - A combination of a tool built in Rust that creates an index for your site and a JavaScript library for searching and displaying results.
  • Jekyll 4.2.0 Released - Adds a new post convert hook and improvements to Jekyll doctor.
  • Motionless - A new static site generator that uses plain JavaScript and HTML with Node with no special templating or config.

❖ Tidbits

Making GitHub Pages Work With Jekyll 4+ & Any Theme and Plugin
Using GitHub Actions to build a Jekyll site and then deploy it to the gh-pages branch allows you to use themes or plugins not supported by default in GitHub Pages.

Moncef Belyamani

The Bootstrap Jamstack: How Indie Players Compete
An interesting look at some of the companies in the Jamstack space that are bootstrapped companies (i.e. with a focus on lifestyle and profitability) versus VC funded.

Francois Lanthier Nadeau

Start a Static Blog in 2021 with Hexo and Netlify
Hexo was, to my recollection, one of the earliest JavaScript-based SSGs. It doesn’t get much attention of late, even though it is still regularly released (5.3.0 came out last month). If you’re curious, here’s a quick guide to get started.

Supun Kavinda

Give your Eleventy Site Superpowers with Environment Variables
Leveraging the Node dotenv library within Eleventy for some standard and creative uses for environment variables.

Andy Bell

Stay safe and healthy! I welcome any feedback you may have about this newsletter. — Brian