
#​96 — January 11, 2024
✦ web version

New years often bring big changes. This newsletter isn't immune, but, as is usually the case with any change, there is both bad and good.

This newsletter was first published by Cooperpress nearly three years ago in March of 2020. I approached them with the idea because the Jamstack community had grown so much that I saw a need. Plus, it was an opportunity to explore and share about some of my favorite tools and technologies. I am grateful that Peter, Chris, Kristina and the rest of Cooperpress collaborated with me to publish nearly 100 of these issues.

The bad news is, this will be the last of these newsletters published by Cooperpress. However, this is not the end.

Starting with the next issue (in two weeks), Jamstacked will be published as part of my CFE.dev site. The subscription and archives are already live. If you are already subscribed via email, there's nothing for you to do other than note that future issues will come from an @cfe.dev address. If you're reading this elsewhere and aren't yet subscribed, please do — and if you are interested in sponsoring future newsletters, please reach out to me via CFE.dev.

So, this is a note of thanks to Cooperpress for all their work but it is not a goodbye to you, my readers. Until next time!

Brian Rinaldi Brian Rinaldi

↘︎ What's Good

'Netlify’s Disingenuous Survey-Based Attack on Next.js (& Eleventy, Too)'

As the title implies, Zach has some very strong opinions about Netlify’s recent State of Web Development report. In particular, he feels that the charts displayed in the main section of the report misrepresent the popularity and satisfaction scores of Next.js and Eleventy by relying on the change in score rather than the actual score (which is only available in the appendix). Zach strongly implies that these choices were made to paint a picture more favorable to Nelify's business interests.

My take? While I assume that any report published by a for profit company inevitably has bias towards the company's interests (these types of reports are created for getting press coverage and marketing leads after all), I am less inclined to believe there was any knowing intent to create a false picture — as Zach notes, the Data Scientist who created prior surveys is no longer at Netlify and much of the other data/charts were included in the appendix. However, it is easy to see how the chart in question can be misleading and why Zach, who has dedicated himself for years to Eleventy development, has reason to be upset by it.

Zach Leatherman

TheJam.dev Speakers Announced
This free, 2-day virtual conference is happening in just 2 weeks. Speakers include Cassidy Williams, Alex Russell, Zach Leatherman, Matt Biilmann, Salma Alam-Naylor, James Q Quick and so many more.

Loraine Lawson

JavaScript in 2023: Signals, React's RSC, and Full-Stack JS
2023 saw more JavaScript frameworks adopt signals, which are (according to the Preact definition) “reactive primitives for managing application state”, and the adoption of React Server Components (RSC) in the React world. It's also worth reading the 2024 predictions of JavaScript framework maintainers.

Loraine Lawson

✂︎ Tools, Resources & More...

  • Nuxt 3.9 – This release updates to Vite 5, adds experimental interactive server components, improved automatic server optimizations and a ton more.
  • Astro 4.1 – This release includes new accessibility audit rules, an extended client:visible directive, and more.
  • Eleventy v3 alpha – Th first Eleventy v3 alpha release is out with ESM support and asynchronous configuration callbacks in both ESM and CommonJS.
  • Waku – A new, minimal React framework that supports React Server Components (RSCs).
  • Netlify's Astro 4.0 Adapter – A new version of Astro's Netlify adapter with support for HTTP streaming, access to the request context, image CDN support and more.
  • Gatsby Updates – Netlify released some maintenance updates and improvements to Gatsby.


2023 JavaScript Rising Stars
The top full stack framework according to this report using GitHub stars is still Next.js, but Astro is coming up quickly. While for static sites, the top five are Next, Astro, Docusaurus, Nuxt and Nextra (the last of which is built on Next).

Best of JS

Common Mistakes with the Next.js App Router and How to Fix Them
The App Router brought big chages to Next.js that can require you to adjust the way you’ve done things, leading developers to make some common mistakes that Lee shows how to avoid.

Lee Robinson

SolidStart: A Different Breed Of Meta-Framework
SolidStart is a meta-framework built around Solid, but takes a different approach to other meta-frameworks. Atila explains what makes it different and the pieces that comprise it.

Atila Fassina

Next.js Server Actions Made Dead Simple
Server Actions are ready in Next.js but, according to the author, not particularly well documented, so he built an example to illustrate how to use them.

Jonathan Gamble

Thanks for reading. — Brian

Published by Cooperpress and edited by Brian Rinaldi.
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